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Special Sessions

Pier Luigi Marconi

Pier Luigi Marconi is a psychiatrist and holds a PhD in dynamic and clinical psychology at Sapienza  University of Rome He is professional partner and co-founder of Artemis Neuroscience StP, which is a  professional team for research and clinical activities in neurosciences.

Special Sessions

Maria Pietronilla Penna

Maria Pietronilla Penna is Full Professor in Experimental Psychology at the University of Cagliari. She is  mainly involved in the investigation and assessment of brain functions and cognitive processes in the life  span. One of her research topics concerns the investigation of the factors underpinning well-being in  adulthood.

Special Sessions

Giorgio Marchese

Giorgio Marchese is a researcher and the chief of CNR-IFT-CA. His research activity is related to several  aspects of neuropsychopharmacology, including experimental modelling, drug development and  psychometry. His scientific interest is mainly focused on the management of schizophrenia and psychotic  disorders.

Special Sessions

Eraldo Francesco Nicotra

Eraldo Francesco Nicotra is Associate Professor in Psychometrics at the University of Cagliari. His academic  activity is related to statistical data analysis; he is mainly involved in the investigation of behaviour and  perception and in the assessment of well-being in the life span.

Special Sessions

Mirian Agus

Mirian Agus is a psychologist and holds a PhD at the University of Barcelona. Since 2001, she has been  working at the University of Cagliari. Her research interests include the study of research methodology, the  construction of assessment instruments and the statistical data analyses applied to behavioural sciences.

Special Sessions

Paolo Motto Ros

Paolo Motto Ros is Senior Post-Doc Researcher at Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy), Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, with the MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems) group. He received the electronic engineering degree and the Ph.D. in electronic engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. From 2009 to 2012 he was with Neuronica Laboratory (Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino) as post-doc researcher, working on assistive technologies, computer vision and learning machines projects (jointly with, 2006-2011, Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare, INFN, Italy). From 2012 to 2019 he was with Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Center for Space Human Robotics, CSHR, Torino, Italy, and, since 2016, Electronic Design Laboratory, EDL, Genova, Italy) as senior (since 2014) post-doc researcher, working on bio-inspired electronics for biomedical and humanoid robotic applications. He joined the Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, in 2019. He is an IEEE member since 2016, and member of the Circuits And Systems (CAS) society; he was member of the organizing staff of the IEEE BioCAS 2017 conference, and member of the organizing committee of the IEEE ICECS 2019 conference. He counts 50+ publications; current research interests include: event-driven digital integrated circuits, architectures, and systems; low-power smart sensor networks; bio-inspired electronics; biomedical and humanoid robotic applications.

Special Sessions

Danilo Demarchi

Danilo Demarchi (M’10-SM’13) received Engineering Degree and Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 1991 and 1995, respectively. Full position as Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications. Visiting Professor at EPFL Lausanne and at Tel Aviv University. Visiting Scientist (August 2018) at MIT and Harvard Medical School. Author and co-author of 5 patents and more than 250 scientific publications in international journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Leading the MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems, Laboratory of Politecnico di Torino. Member of the BioCAS Technical Committee, Associate Editor of the Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors and of the Springer Journal BioNanoScience. General Chair of BioCAS (Biomedical Circuits and Systems)

Sara Casaccia

Sara Casaccia received the Ph.D. degree in Thermal and Mechanical Measurements from UNIVPM in 2015.  Her research focuses on ICT technologies for Active and Assisted Living, home monitoring and e-Health,  with a particular focus on measurement applications for the well-being, comfort and health monitoring of  people also with Artificial Intelligence techniques.

Session 2 Special Sessions

Lorenzo Scalise

Lorenzo Scalise is Associate Professor in Mechanical Measurements and Biomedical Instrumentation,  Applied Measurement Techniques, Electronic Systems in Radiology and Electrical Measurement at  UNIVPM. He received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical measurements from Università degli Studi di Padova  in 1999. His research focuses on measurement techniques, with special focus on sensing systems, biomedical  instrumentation, assistive technologies, e-health, and characterization of systems and materials.

Session 1

Sandro Fioretti

Associate Professor in Bioengineering. His main research  interests are on methods for analysis of motion with particular reference to posture (static and dynamic) and gait. List of publications:

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