Ieee Mb White

Conference Topics

Group Topic Name
1 Medical Ultrasonics
1.1 Medical Beamforming and Beam Steering (MBB)
1.2 Biological Effects & Dosimetry (MBE)
1.3 Blood Flow Measurement (MBF)
1.4 Contrast Agents (MCA)
1.5 Elastography (MEL)
1.6 Medical Imaging (MIM)
1.7 Medical Image and Signal Processing (MIS)
1.8 Medical Photoacoustics (MPA)
1.9 System & Device Design (MSD)
1.10 Medical Tissue Characterization (MTC)
1.11 Therapeutics, Hyperthermia & Surgery (MTH)
1.12 Theranostics & Image Guidance in Therapy (MTN)
2 Sensors, NDE & Industrial Applications
2.1 Acoustic Microfluidics (NAF)
2.2 Acoustic Imaging and Microscopy (NAI)
2.3 Acoustic Sensors (NAS)
2.4 General NDE Methods (NDE)
2.5 Energy Harvesting (NEH)
2.6 Flow Measurement (NFM)
2.7 Material & Defect Characterization (NMC)
2.8 Photoacoustics (NPA)
2.9 Process Control and Industrial Ultrasound (NPC)
2.10 Signal Processing (NSP)
2.11 Transducers: NDE and Industrial (NTC)
2.12 Underwater Acoustics (NUA)
2.13 Wave Propagation (NWP)
2.14 Structural Health Monitoring (NSH)
3 Physical Acoustics
3.1 General Physical Acoustics (PGP)
3.2 Acoustic Tweezers and Particle Manipulation (PAT)
3.3 Nonlinear Acoustics (PNL)
3.4 High Power and Temperature effects (PTE)
3.5 Opto-Acoustics (POA)
3.6 Modelling and Inversion (PMI)
3.7 Phononics (PPN)
3.8 Thin Films (PTF)
3.9 Ultrasonic Motors & Actuators (PUM)
3.10 Non-Reciprocal Acoustics (PNR)
4 Microacoustics – SAW, FBAR, MEMS
4.1 Acoustic Wave Filters (AWF)
4.2 Device Applications (ADA)
4.3 Device Modeling and Design (ADM)
4.4 Materials and Propagation (AMP)
4.5 Microacoustic Resonators (AMR)
4.6 Microacoustic Sensors (AMS)
4.7 Novel Microacoustic Devices (ANM)
5 Transducers & Transducer Materials
5.1 Piezoelectric and Other Materials (TPM)
5.2 Modeling and Simulation (TMS)
5.3 Thin and Thick Piezoelectric Films (TFT)
5.4 Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (TMU)
5.5 Biomedical Diagnostic and Imaging Transducers (TMI)
5.6 Biomedical Therapeutic Transducers (TTT)
5.7 Front-end and Integrated Electronics (THF)
5.8 Integrated Electronics and Systems (TIS)
5.9 Applications of Piezoelectrics and Ferroelectrics (TPF)

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